
Why Does Summit Achievement have an Academic Component when other Wilderness Therapy Programs do not?

Summit Achievement has had an academic component since it started operations in 1996. The impetus, at that time, was that one of the co-founders was working as a psychotherapist at a Northeast Boarding School and counseled many students who had gone to wilderness programs before enrolling at the school. He observed that many of those […]

Does Summit Achievement work with Troubled Teens by Using a “Scared Straight” Model of Intervention?

Summit Achievement has achieved being one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious accredited programs for struggling teens by providing our students and their families with high-quality treatment, challenging academics, and outdoor experiences. At times we are asked if we “scare straight troubled teens.”  We use the term “struggling teens“ versus “troubled teens” as we […]

Why we recommend hiring a Therapeutic Educational Consultant

WHAT ARE THERAPEUTIC EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANTS? Therapeutic Educational Consultants are professionals who assist parents. They assist in finding the right therapeutic and/or academic setting for their adolescent or young adults before, and after, Summit Achievement. We recommend parents hire a consultant. We want parents to have access to the most up-to-date information about schools and programs […]

Tips for Parents with Teens who are Refusing and/or Anxious about going to Summit Achievement

Summit has been providing wilderness therapy and education at our residential facility in the mountains of western Maine since 1996. Summit is unique in the field as 99% of our students come with their parents for enrollment. The other 1% come with family members or family friends. We do not enroll students via transport companies. One […]

Summit Achievement Re-Accredited as an Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Program

SUMMIT ACHIEVEMENT IS PROUD TO BE ONE OF ONLY TWO WILDERNESS THERAPY PROGRAMS IN THE COUNTRY TO HAVE COMPLETED THIS VIGOROUS RE-ACCREDITATION PROCESS. We, at Summit Achievement, have just completed the vigorous re-accreditation process by the Association for Experiential Education for Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Programs. By completing this process, Summit Achievement has been awarded accreditation for […]

Outcome Research and Outdoor Behavioral Health

Summit Achievement has been a member of the Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Council (OBH) since 2000 (to go to the OBH website, click here).  We have participated in ongoing research to promote the field and prove the efficacy of our work.  Below is a video recently published by OBH about this work.   To see outcome research specific […]

How Summit Achievement Works with Students on the Autism Spectrum

For many years, Summit Achievement has been known by professionals as a great placement for clients who struggle with high-functioning autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Level 1. While individuals with this diagnosis are unique more than they are similar, some typical characteristics include:         Impairment in social functioning         Difficulty with reading and managing both verbal […]

Student Reflection: Equal parts rewarding & challenging

Summit Achievement was an experience that was equal parts rewarding and challenging, and resulted in the most profound growth period of my life. When I arrived at Summit I was anxious and scared. Throughout my first few days at Summit, all I could think about was that I wanted to go home. I wanted to […]