Summit Achievement is now a Q+ Designated Workplace
Summit is proud to announce that as of January ‘24, we are a Q+ Designated Workplace. This achievement is exemplary of our unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse work environment. The Q+ Workplace designation not only recognizes a dedication to Q+ equality, but also highlights the efforts continuously made by our leadership in creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.

The Q+ Designation is awarded to organizations and companies through the Q+ Equality Foundation. The Foundation describes themselves as, “dedicated to fostering work environments where a culture of joy and inclusivity are the norm, particularly for Q+ individuals. By helping organizations showcase their commitment to inclusivity, we provide opportunities for all people to work in environments that celebrate their unique identities. In doing so, we’re not just driving change, but also cultivating workplaces where everyone can truly thrive, irrespective of their identity or background.”
In order to meet the criteria for this designation, our policies, procedures, and overall mission as an organization were examined and found to meet the standards of the Q+ Foundation. Other workplaces who have met the standards for this designation include other small businesses and companies nationwide, but also larger nationally and internationally recognized organizations/brands such as REI and the hiring/recruiting platform Catalyte.
We are incredibly proud of our commitment to inclusivity and diversity at Summit. This Designation for our workplace is a parallel to the hard work and attention we have given for many years to creating an affirming milieu for our LGBTQ+ clients, through rigorous review of our policies, dress code, language and switch to all-gender teams, rather than the traditional binary designation of “male” or “female”. Summit Achievement has always been committed to being an inclusive, supportive environment, and this Q+ designation is another example of this commitment as it extends to our staff.
We are also excited for the impact that the partnership with Q+ will have on our talent acquisition and hiring efforts, as well as overall staff satisfaction and retention. This designation will allow Summit to be more visible to LGBTQ+ young professionals who are looking for job opportunities. It also gives valuable information and resources to our organization internally, such as DEI trainings for staff, access to employee resources groups, and the consulting services/ears of folks on the Q+ Ambassador team.
This partnership with and designation from the Q+ Foundation is a testament to this commitment and yet another avenue for making our workplace one that is more inclusive, healthy, and diverse. We strongly believe that these efforts also have a profoundly positive impact on the students and families that we serve, and stay equally as committed to creating a space that is safe and welcoming for each and every one of our clients.
For more information about career opportunities at Summit Achievement, please visit our Employment page.