Staff Spotlight: Olivia Del Brocco
Olivia is a primary therapist here at Summit Achievement and Summit Traverse. We’re so grateful to have her as part of our team! She brings with her experience working in adventure therapy and a serious love for the outdoors. Also, her puppy Beau is just the sweetest little nugget! Get to know Olivia below:

How long have you been working at Summit? What is your current role?
I have been at Summit for 2 years as a primary therapist.
Tell us about yourself! What about your life/background drew you to working at Summit?
I worked as a guide at a program in Virginia before going to grad school for my MSW and I fell in love with adventure therapy! I enjoy outdoor activities as my own reprieve and spend most of my free time outside, so being able to work in an environment where I can do those things really drew me in.
What is your favorite part about working at Summit?
That I can bring my new puppy to work! And also that he and I can take students on walks around our gorgeous campus instead of always being in an office for my work.
What is one thing you wish you could tell students who are thinking about enrolling at Summit?
Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone can be challenging, but there are supports built into the programs here to guide you through the process and help you gain confidence that will last a lifetime.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love to be outside – hike, bike, ski. I also sing/play music at local venues!
Read Olivia’s Bio!