Summit Traverse: Short Term, Therapeutic Boarding School
Summit Traverse is an innovative, flexible-length therapeutic boarding school, which combines family-centered therapeutic services, accredited classroom academics, and a rich residential life curriculum. We accept students who have successfully completed a primary treatment program and need help in transitioning back home or to a traditional boarding school.

Summit Traverse employs three types of therapy:
Students work with a master’s level therapist who coordinates the student’s overall treatment planning and the family-centered work addressed through the different treatment modalities.
- Weekly individual and milieu therapy
- Weekly intensive family therapy
- Individualized treatment and transition planning
- Relapse prevention planning
- Assessment of readiness for a traditional environment
- Therapeutically supported home visits

- School attendance 5 days a week in our individualized teacher lead classrooms
- Accredited academics in a classroom environment
- Customized course schedules allowing students to keep pace with their high school progress and recover credit
- Off-campus experiential field trips once per month
- Regular study hall for students to implement new academic skills under supervision
Academic classes, provided five days per week, are individualized and self-paced utilizing a blended learning approach, which features a multidisciplinary and multi-sensory curriculum. Classrooms are small and students have a personalized academic plan, allowing them to keep pace, recover courses, and rediscover success in school while earning transferable credits.
Campus Life

Students participate in after school and weekend activities both on and off campus in nearby communities and outdoor recreational areas. The campus life curriculum focuses on life skills, executive functioning, and developing healthy leisure pursuits including a balanced electronic diet.
- Holistic approach to diet and wellbeing
- Health and Creativity modules
- Independent living skills and social pragmatics coaching
- Off-campus activities focusing on culture, adventure, service, and education
Who We Serve
Traverse is a program for all genders ages 13 to 20 who are transitioning from a therapeutic program, or other higher level of care, and are willing to continue their journey through the therapeutic process. They are invested in their future and understand how this transitional step is an opportunity to practice their new skills in a less structured environment as well as demonstrate their readiness for a more traditional environment.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact our our Admissions Director Shannon Palentchar through the Admissions Office by phone (207) 447-9450.