Born and raised in Connecticut, Lily spent much of her childhood adventuring around New England– summer camp in Vermont, skiing in New Hampshire, sailing and camping in Maine. After graduating from high school, Lily participated in a Wilderness Therapy program for young adults. It was a life-changing experience for her and she quickly changed plans to attend college in New York City, instead heading out west to Boulder, Colorado.
At the University of Colorado, Lily studied Cultural Anthropology and Gender Studies with a concentration in Global Mental Health. Upon graduating Lily started work at the CU Collegiate Recovery Center, helping students in mental health and substance use recovery on college campuses around the country. From there, Lily went on to work in marketing and admissions at several mental health treatment programs for young people, including a transitional living program in Boulder and a Wilderness Therapy program in Utah.
Lily is passionate about helping young adults and adolescents find the support and treatment that they need. She comes to this work not only with years of professional experience, but also her personal experience as a young adult who sought treatment. As Marketing Director at Summit Achievement she is excited to help students and families find Summit by connecting with referral sources, attending conferences, managing digital content, and more.
In addition to her work at Summit, Lily teaches yoga and pilates. She and her husband live in Cumberland, Maine. They welcomed their first child in 2023 and love to spend time outside – usually with their dog, Gus!