Our Mission
To foster lasting change for students and families using residential treatment, classroom academics, and outdoor adventures in an evidence-based and clinically-driven community.

To accomplish this mission, we incorporate the following principals:
- Expeditions are focused on safety, adventure, accomplishment, teamwork, leadership, accountability, life skills, FUN, and the enjoyment of nature. Learn more about our expeditions.
- Academics are an integral part of our program as it provides additional assessment and helps students keep pace or recover credit while also building valuable skills needed for a successful transition back to a traditional learning environment. Learn more about our academic excellence.
- Family involvement and communication is a crucial part of our program as we feel this better prepares our students to return home. Learn more about our clinical approach.
- Level System: Equipping students with valuable information and goals to empower them to make positive choices and move at their own pace, while at the same time giving detailed future information to give student’s real-time experience in managing stressors and anxieties with significant clinical support.
- Rewards based: Recognizing students for achievements and effort
- Moving between the backcountry and the residential campus each week allows students to practice healthy transitions while also bringing their lessons from the expeditions back to a traditional environment for more tangible application. Many of the students in our program leave us to return home or go to a traditional school of some kind. We feel that managing transitions is an essential part of being successful in these environments. Learn more about our outcome research, including a chart of where students transition after treatment.